Wednesday, 9 September 2015

The unexpected potential

I understand the body quite well. With an exercise physiology and science background I know how the body works and how it adapts to physical activity, at least theoretically. What I sometimes don't understand is MY body.

Last Friday night I decided to race a 5km. I wasn't going to, but then my husband asked if I was and I thought "sure, why not"?

About a month ago, my "A" race for the season didn't quite go as planned, despite feeling great leading up to it and ready to race. So why not race a 5km that I wasn't planning for and see what happens?

Heading to the race start with my best man
Race morning arrived and I was not at all in the mood to race. As I approached race start I was hoping my race-brain would kick in, but it just wasn't there. Going through the motions, I lined up just before the archway and got ready to race; when the gun went off away I went.

I checked my pace, as I always do in the first few hundred meters, to make sure I wasn't heading out too quickly. It was a little quick, but I figured I'd run with it (pun intended) and see what happens.

As the kilometers clicked by I kept checking my pace and thinking "am I really still at this pace" followed immediately by "wow, I'm going to crash hard". However at the same time there was a little piece of me wondering what would happen if I just keep this pace going? I was unexpectedly feeling good at this pace; it was hard and uncomfortable, but do-able. Alright I thought, why not take the chance and see where this goes; I'll either PB or explode and I was curious what one would happen.

As I approached the last 500m or so it was getting ugly, but I was also very aware of my time and it was on track for a PB. As I rounded the last corner of the course I saw my littleman, ready to pace me to the finish. When he was younger this meant that I would slow down to enjoy the run into the finish with him, or when he was really little I would scoop him up and carry him across the line - not these days! I now have to pick it up to keep up with him in those final few hundred meters.

I crossed the line and stopped my watch. Officially it was an 11 second PB, and 14th OA woman. I don't understand it, I definitely didn't expect it, but I'll take it. Sometimes my body decides when it's going to kick-ass, or when it's going to feel awful, despite how mentally or physically I plan and prepare for it.

Post race refuel!
A delicious burger from Drift Food Truck!
The thrill of competition and the unknown of what is possible. Our bodies are amazing machines, capable of endless limits; and even though I may not understand my body all the time, the unexpected potential is always in there!

On tap this weekend is a double-header: XC running on Saturday and CX on Sunday! I absolutely love this time of year - so many races, so many opportunities for unexpected potential!

Photo Credit: Eric Carcoux of United Cycle

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